Thursday, October 23, 2008

a tale of a coffee merchant

Once upon a time, there live a coffee merchant in the land called Duneshara. He was only a merchant, or so he said but I seen much more than what meets the eyes. He spent most of his life traveling the world, looking for a perfect coffee beans to be purchased and later on sold to a prospect buyer far away. He also a coffee connoisseur and greatly respected for his knowledge of the perfect brew. Well, you can't be a coffee merchant if you don't drink what you sell. You see, not every coffee merchant have the aptitude to brew perfect coffee, let alone priests. A priest you asked? That's correct my friend, for this highly coveted trade has been inherited and passed down by the brotherhood of The Gangin Monastery for hunderd of years. Legend said that their forefathers once travelled across the Great Dune and met with the Pharaoh of the time. Another legend said that they served the spiced coffee to Queen Sheeba herself. Whether it was true or fiction, I have not find anyone who can brew those beans as well as they do. They invest much of their time, when not praying or chanting off course (not to make fun of them), making those excellent coffee. People flocked into their monastery to taste the heavenly brew and in return they will pay a small fee as token of charity. This small charity kept the monastery alive and also used to help those who in need of helping hand. Not a bad idea if you asked me. Those priests know a thing about coffee entrepreneur or two. Having God on your side didn't hurt either.

Now where to begin you may asked? Obviously you need to have good beans to begin with. Not too light and not too dark, not to oily but waxy is acceptable. Preferably grown over temperate soil in high altitude surrounded with berries. An inch of rain every other week and misty in the morning but not to gloomy. Some sunlight is required nevertheless. Once the beans were harvested, it must be kept in cold and dark places away from vermin and mold. Keep it dry at all time. And that's the start my friend. If you make it this far, you have a very small chance to be a master brewer or Brewmeister.

In order for one to achieve a title of Brewmeister, one must learn from the brotherhood. Studying closely with the priests and to learn their secret, the history of the beans, the apparatus, to read the weather, from the wind and the rain and finally to become the alchemy of beans one may say. Although we are not try to change the beans into gold nugget but essentially, the beans are black gold in itself. Nothing else that grow in the land is more precious than the beans.

The coffee merchant achieved the title of Brewmeister couple years ago from this day. He no longer sell coffee from day to day, but he still call himself a coffee merchant. People who knows him will refer to him as the coffee merchant of Gangin. He is not of Gangin nor is he an alien reside there, but once you have step into the monastery and learn the secret, where you came from does not matter anymore for you will always be know as the one who has given the honor to be Brewmeister of Gangin Monastery. One no longer an old self but a new one. Have a good coffee...we will continue our conversation some other time.

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